Unlock The Secret To

Thriving Through

Midlife & Menopause

If you're a dynamic woman who wants the energy level, mental clarity, and sound sleep you had 10 years ago, you're in the right place.



I'm Dr. Tayo!

As well as being a doctor with multiple board certifications and a fellowship in radiology, I'm also a speaker and best-selling author.

But most importantly, I'm the most trusted authority on Midlife Health & Wellness for high-achieving women.

Even as a medical professional, I was blindsided and unprepared, like many women are, for the onset of the hormonal changes that take place as you hit your 40's, indicating you're in a new phase of life: Perimenopause, which would ultimately lead to menopause.

🎯The Breakthrough🎯

After trying everything that I could lay my hands on, testing and working my way through them over thousands of hours and ridiculous amounts of money, I discovered a game-changing approach that works - no risky meds or procedures required!

Why Trust Me

I've helped women from all walks of life not just survive perimenopause and menopause, but

thrive in ways they never thought or dreamed was possible.

Does This Sound Like You?

  • I'm so tired & having trouble sleeping.

  • I don't know how much longer I can go on like this...

  • I feel like my most productive & fulfilling years are over.

  • I've started putting on weight no matter what I do!

  • I can't afford to take time off work.

  • I have mood swings out of nowhere.

  • My brain feels like it's full of cotton wool.

  • I'm working longer hours just to keep up!

  • Argh! My libido seems to have retired!

The Full Story

Perimenopause was like a bolt out of the blue.

I suffered hot flushes & night sweats: tossing and turning all night… I was barely sleeping at all, and as a result, I was thoroughly exhausted. Like many of you, I was unprepared for this.

I knew I had to find a way out of this.

My training in the Western Medical World had left me woefully unprepared for all the changes that were happening to me. I simply had no idea!

That's why I started searching for answers...

REAL answers.

I started with the scanty conventional medical solutions that were suggested and available, but they fell woefully short.

It wasn’t until I started pursuing other ‘out of the box’ ideas that I discovered an approach that has made a real difference.

If I Can Do It, SO CAN YOU!

Over the years, I’ve distilled the process into...

The 5 SuperPowers System ᵀᴹ

The good news is that, with the right approach, we can all access them.

They simply need to be (re)activated!

Just like I’m in the best health I've ever been, you can be too!

Which is why I’m passionate about sharing this approach with women who have had enough of the physical, emotional, mental, and sexual side-effects of menopause.

Menopause CAN be managed without having to choose between your career and your health.

You CAN feel vibrant and alive through this stage of your life.

You CAN Get Your Sassy Back!

If you're ready to Get Started on your journey towards more energy, mental clarity and sound sleep...

Book Your Free Consultation.

Proven Outcomes

"It was the first time I felt it was something for me... Specifically for me that I could do."

Serena Davies

"I am already seeing positive results in my energy level and overall mood. Thank you Dr. Tayo"

Anna Pantano

"That night, I had one of the very best sleeps I’ve had in a very long time."

Tricia S.

Frequently Asked Questions

I heard you can't do anything about Menopause (aka "The Pause") ?

The short answer? You can! We have a proven track record utilizing our unique system in a practical and simple way to give you the best outcome. Our clients are surprised at how fast they see positive changes.

I've been told that what I'm struggling with is normal for women my age, and I just have to suck it up.

Suffering is NOT 'normal' at any age! You don't have to put up with distressing symptoms, especially now that you know that there is a proven solution. This has worked for me and so many other women, allowing us to lead rich, happy, and fulfilled lives.

What's different about The 5 SuperPowers System ᵀᴹ?

Unlike other programs which offer piecemeal aspects of the solution, or cobble together a jumbled collection of things, The 5 SuperPowers System [TM] is a carefully integrated, natural and science-backed system that is customized to YOU.

You'll have access to the very same strategies that worked for me and for many other successful women, getting them amazing results without spending anything close to the time, money and resources that I did.

We do not use (or recommend) extreme measures, dangerous medications or tactics.

How do I know if this will work for me?

Our programs are designed to help you stay laser focused and to make consistent and lasting progress.

If that’s the kind of change you want to make, then I’m certain our program will work for you.

Plus, they are backed by our 'Take It To The Bank’ Guarantee

If that's you, Book Your FREE 'Feel Sassy Again' consultation right now and let's get you started!

How can I reach Dr Tayo?

If you are ready to get rid of the problems that are engulfing you now that you're over 40, Dr Tayo has reserved a few places in her calendar so you can speak personally with her.

If you're sick and tired of being sick and tired, CLICK HERE NOW to book your call. Let's get you started out of that rut if you want to regain your energy, increase your mental clarity and focus ,so you turbo charge your productivity all round and be the woman you know you're meant to be!

7B Pleasant Boulevard, Suite 1025. Toronto, ON. M4T 1K2. Canada

Copyright © Back To Sassy 2024. All Rights Reserved

7B Pleasant Boulevard, Suite 1025. Toronto, ON. M4T 1K2. Canada

Copyright © Back To Sassy 2024. All Rights Reserved